A dimmed desk environment with the LoFi girl featured alongside an open code editor
Image provided by Vinayak Sharma (https://unsplash.com/@vinayak_125)

Programming Music: Drake Stafford - Sunday


I've recently developed a thing for LoFi hip hop. It never fails to get me into a state of flow ideal for when I'm crunching out code. Even though I'm quite content with the offerings of more established channels like Chillhop Music (my personal favorite) I am always on the lookout for new tunes. And hoo boy did I discover a gem on the Free Music Archive

I found a small 3 track gem called Sunday by the artist Drake Stafford. You can listen to it on Soundcloud by clicking on the image below, or you can download it directly on FMA.

Sunday by Drake Stafford on Soundcloud
To ensure your privacy is respected, this is merely an image of the Soundcloud player. Click on the image to go directly to the Soundcloud player!

Ok, technically this isn't LoFi, but it does absolutely give me the same level of chill. I highly recommend you give this a listen! It just never fails to calm me down ๐Ÿงก