A photograph of a brown wooden panel door
Image provided by Piotr Hamryszczak (https://unsplash.com/@hamer)

Online Favicon Extractor


I found a cool “hidden” feature on the Yandex search engine. It is able to extract the favicon from any domain even if the server hosting the domain does not allow the visitor to do so. Simply click on the link and modify the url afterwards. Include the full domain including www after the slash and voila, a favicon ready to be saved. Great for password managers that support custom icons.


  1. Link points to http://favicon.yandex.net/favicon/
  2. Want, let’s say the tumblr. favicon? Modify the above link to http://favicon.yandex.net/favicon/www.tumblr.com
  3. That’s it!
Bonno van der Basch

Bonno van der Basch

Hi, I'm Bonno! đź‘‹ I'm a chemist turned devop and I enjoy creating software for both the web and the desktop. Curious about what it is that I do? Feel free to talk to me on Twitter (@DerBonster) or you can check out some business related things about me on LinkedIN (/in/bvdbasch)